Landscape Photo Editing Techniques to Improve Property Images

Landscape Photo Editing Techniques to Improve Property Images

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Some excellent quality property images can stand up your chances of attracting buyers on a highly competitive real estate market. One of the easiest ways is to use landscape photography—it is a way of showing off all that beauty and how it works in use. But the thing is even after taking photos in the best possible shots it needed editing to make it look better. So, in this post we are going to explore some landscape photo editing techniques that can help you make your property images more appealing and memorable at the same time.


  1. Correcting Exposure Levels

CHALLENGE: Light Conditions It is not uncommon to experience at least one type of unpredictable light condition when it comes to outdoor photography. An over or under-exposed image will only hide the property details. By changing the exposure, you can make sure that both the sky and ground are well-lit in all portions of your image. Even a well-lit exposure may look dark once you put in your image-editing software, or the opposite–a picture that could be overly bright and need some work to balance out highlights with shadows. This is critical for making property images look more life-like and help in increasing the visual appeal of real estate photos.

Set with the help of: Use the exposure slider to fix lighting in Adobe Lightroom or Photoshop, "Highlights", and again make each single element farther relishes what they are meant for.

  1. Enhancing Colors

Colors that are vivid but also natural have a very strong effect on images of an item for sale. dull, washed-out landscape with too muted colors on the one hand and unrealistic looking over-saturated scenes on the other. Finding this balance is crucial. Bring out the shades of greens in lawns and foliage, sky blues to make a lively pleasing scene.

MOBILE: Tip- Use Vibrance tool over Saturation for majority of photos — the former brings out muted colors more whereas the latter makes all vibrant areas too colorful.


  1. Sharpening for Clarity

Often with landscape photos, the image can blur caused by camera shake or simply due to soft focus. Every walking surface, building texture and tree leaf detail are touched by just a breath of behind-the-scenes sharpening but beware — if you go too far, sharpening can add noise or grain to the image and that might be a bigger crime than being unsharp!

Photoshop Tip: Sharpening using the "Unsharp Mask" filter Low volume then builds to prevent drying out the detail too much.

  1. Sky Replacement & Improvement

When it comes to outdoor Urban Real Estate Photography, nothing is more important than the sky. A gray and dull sky above a mansion makes this place seem so unattractive. Photoshop (and others) to replace the sky with a blue, sunny or beautiful sunset style. The tone of the image has now already improved and with that will come more interest in the property.

TIP: Photoshop Sky Replacement automatically blends the new sky into your existing image so that lighting and colors match exactly.

  1. Rectifying Grease and Straightening Perspective

While wide-angle lenses are the most flexible, they tend to skew lines – you can wind up with buildings or structures looking bent and sloping. Correcting the view ensures both vertical and horizontal lines are 90°, making for a more professional look with the property represented accurately. The level horizon is incredibly helpful with landscape photos.

Pro Tip: Take verticals back in Lightroom (A common package but remember this can also be done using the Transform tool) or by applying a Lens Correction filter in photoshop!

  1. Removing Unwanted Elements

No matter what it may be; a stray object, an ugly power line or midday shadow clouds, you do not want anything else to detract from your property image. Avoiding these distractions is key in making your photo look clean and unpolished. By using the clone stamping or healing brush tools, you can remove these distracting details without compromising your composition.

To manually remove objects in Photoshop, you can use the 'Clone Stamp' or "Spot Healing Brush" to brush over unwanted components smoothly blending unto areas neighboring texture and color.

  1. Balanced Lighting with HDR

The term for this in photography is called High Dynamic Range (HDR) photography and its benefits are especially seen with landscapes where there's a divot between super bright to darker down areas of the image. Complex photos with details in shadows and highlights are achieved by blending multiple exposures of the same scene into one balanced photo. Notably beneficial for presenting properties featuring an extensive and potentially complicated setting around it.

Tip: Many cameras now have built in HDR settings; however, you can also make your own with Photoshop if your preference is to blend exposures.

  1. Depth of Field Boost

Increasing the depth of field in post-processing helps to add emphasis where you want it, such as the house or garden structure and a pool area. Give a soft touch of blurring to the background without drawing attention away from the main subject and this could ensure that picture looks more professional.

Blurring this layer selectively with the “Lens Blur” filter from Photoshop will help highlight key property features.

  1. Enhancing the Contrast and Definition

A bit of contrast helps provide depth to landscape images. You can enhance that pop in the image by simply adjusting contrast and definition, making it easy for your eyes to pick out textures in grass, stone, or whatever type of landscape you want. This makes sure that the image clarity in every part and color of property do not look dull so it looks more inviting.

Tip: Increase the contrast using the “Contrast” and “Clarity” sliders in Lightroom, but do not overexpose.


And if you want to add pizzazz to a landscape, cropping — the right crop or no crop at all — is everything. Aside from more obvious techniques like cropping out unnecessary parts of the image to direct focus towards a primary property feature, having even key elements positioned in an orderly and balanced way is what we call framing.

As a tip, crop with the rule of thirds which could help make your photo more interesting and visually appealing.


When it comes to editing landscape images for your property photos, you need just the right amount of edits that intensify natural beauty without making them look too edited and unreal. With the pointers identified here, taking unique shots of outdoor property can become easier for real estate photographers and they will be able to use outside images with added effectiveness that leave your potential buyers marveling at what you have shot. A well-crafted landscape photo can easily be one of the most powerful marketing tools in your arsenal if you have editing skills and attention to detail.

Improve Your Listing Photos with High-Quality Editing Services

UK Clipping Path offers a range of professional photo editing services to suit the real estate industry. Our team can process anything from sky replacement, to perspective fixes so your photos show off the very best of what you have on offer. To find out how we can leverage your listings, get in touch with us today.

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